The Bridge Centers

The Bridge Centers
Empowering Empaths, Modern Meditation, Intuitive Sessions

Monday, July 22, 2013

Fears Do Not Serve You

I have some left over fears that seem to grip so tightly when my guard is down, like when I'm sleeping. My newest panic attack gripped me at 5am this morning. I woke up feeling the pain in my entire stomach, ribs to pelvis. The fear had its claws in me so deeply. I was absolutely sure everything was going to fall at my feet, I was going to disappoint people, people were going to yell at me, everything was just going to crumble in a domino effect and the business my husband and I have worked so hard to build up would be gone overnight.

Now, realistically, that wouldn't happen, but in the throws of that panic attack, it was a sure thing. I couldn't even get my shield up. All I could do was lay on the bathroom floor, my face pressed against the cold tiles, calling for my angels and spirit guides and higher self and God to please help me and protect me. I found the pain lessoning. I was able to go back to sleep and have some weird, but fun dreams. I woke up feeling only slightly calmer, safely outside of the panic attack. I am so grateful for them coming to my aid last night, hearing my call.

I am also thankful that the day has become magical right before my eyes. Everything I feared... it's just gone away, replaced with a positive version. People who would have yelled at me are suddenly on vacation or calm about it. I can hardly believe it, although I should have known I would be protected.

In talking to a friend, he asked me if it served me and I realized it really didn't. I thought I had let the fear go to God after thanking it for making me aware... but really I'd just held on to it, probably fearing what would happen if I did let it go. My perspective is off here and I need to reorganize. Perhaps some meditation would help me gain a newer, positive perspective of what would happen if I let go of these fears. I'm sure it would actually. So tonight, when I get some blessed time alone, I will meditate on better ways to let go of that fear for real and know that the fear doesn't mean I have control of it. The fear doesn't serve me at all... it just makes for a shitty night's sleep and a ridiculous panic attack.

In light and love;

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Being Love

"Remember, we are all affecting the world
every moment, whether we mean to or not.
Our actions and states of mind matter, because
we're so deeply inner connected with one another.
Working on our own consciousness is the most
... important thing that we are doing at any moment,
and being love is the supreme creative act."

Ram Dass
I saw this today and it really made me think about how true this small, but profound statement really is. Every emotion that runs through us (or crawls through for several days) has an effect, not only on us, but others around us and the world as well. If we all understood how important our state of mind was, would we continue to be selfish and sarcastic? Would we drop the smart assed, self serving comments that come at the expense of others? If we truly, deeply, fully understood how much of an effect our actions have, that great rippling effect, would we still do them? Would we still cut that person off in traffic? Would we still ignore the outstretched hands of those who truly need help? Would we continue spreading negativity on our Facebook pages and bitching about how hard our lives are to others? Or would we work even harder on our consciousness? Would we truly be the change we want to see in the world? I am. Are you?
In light and love;

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

~ Message from the Angelic realms through Mette Garvik ~

This is a message I felt strongly compelled to spread. It doesn't happen often, so it must be very important. Please read carefully, soak it all in, understand it fully, and practice it daily.
In light and love;
Be in LIGHT Sisters and Brothers for we are with you. We are the Angels and some of you are one of us now, assisting Earth in its Ascension. Your mission, dear Earth Angels, is to radiate all the love that you hold inside for this will help mother Earth and its citizens. Your love is very strong because it holds the Heavenly Kingdom within.
Use your Power because you have more Power and strength than you believe because the Heavenly Kingdom is strongly presented among the lightworkers around the world and are working with all the other lightworkers in bringing this Earth to the 5th dimension.
It's a huge step for the human race, and you are an anchor for your surroundings because you vibrate so much light to your surroundings and cleanse out so much of the old energies that have been on this planet for centuries. That's a lot of work and no wonder you feel exhausted. So take time to rest and know that this will soon be over. We assist you in this mission and call. We are with you always and know that you are protected, and remember that you always can ask of our assistance anytime. Your co-workers are the starpeople that come from other galaxies where the level of consciousness is high, join the lightforces together, and together you are strong.

Have faith dear Brothers and Sisters of the light, because everything has an end and this end this time is going to be a HAPPY END !

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Using Crystals and Gemstones

I was asked the other day about how I most effectively use crystals and gemstones. I know I've touched upon this is earlier posts. Those of you who've been following me and read the whole blog might find this slightly repetitive and for that, I do apologize. BUT! It's always good to be reminded and I will try my best to discuss new ways as well.

The basic idea behind using crystals and gemstones refers back to an earlier post about vibrations. Every gemstone and crystal has it's own vibration. When we match that vibration, we cause those things to manifest into the here and now. Gemstones and crystals help raise your vibrations to match what you want; be it better business, clearer intuition, protection, luck, etc. They also serve as a reminder of the vibration you want to be on; what you want to attract in life.

I am someone who keeps their gemstones and crystals close. I knitted a small, drawstring pouch I keep them in. If I know it's going to be a particularly hard (social) day or something is coming up, I will keep certain ones in my pocket, or even in my bra right against my skin for maximum effect. Ladies... please make sure you take them out before you get changed or it'll sound like a rock slide (much to the chagrin of my husband the first time I forgot this lol). Generally, I keep them near me though. I definitely feel the effects, particularly when they're against my skin, but even when they're in the pouch in my purse.

I also use my gemstones and crystals in meditation. This is where I feel the strongest connection with them and the strongest effects of them. By far, this is the most effective way to use them because we attune ourselves to the universe and raise our vibrations making  manifestation a natural thing. Please remember that meditation is a regular part of your life. Some like to meditate twice a day, some once a week. Really, your intuition will tell you. I know I'm not meditating enough right now, because it keeps popping into my head even though I meditated a few days ago. You have to listen to your intuition because it's whispers from your soul/spirit, higher inner knowing being of light, angels, and spirit guides.

In light and love;

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Tonight, let's just take a moment to breathe in deeply and exhale slowly. Just unwind. Let your mind free. Let it all go. Just enjoy this moment you're in totally. No worries. No stress. No wondering what tomorrow will bring. We don't have anything to do right now except be, experience, and accept without judgment.

I'm listening to the gusts of the wind and the rain pounding outside. The drips and streams falling off of my house. The rise and fall of the gusts as they swirl and play and dance between the drops. Every living creature safely tucked away in the house, under leaves, and in their homes. The dark sky hides the stars, but the drops catch the light off my porch making them shine and shimmer. The trees bending and swaying, meeting their dance partner, the wind. The ground drinking up the water, feeding the plants and insects. Life teeming under my bare feet. The wind tickling my toes, sending a shiver up my spine. The sprays of rain lightly dusting everything the drops can't reach. Lightning cracks across the sky from cloud to cloud, illuminating their shapes. Thunder rolls through the air, deep and strong. A reminder of the awesome power of the lightning. I can feel the earth's energy reach up and wrap around me, increasing my joy.

I am truly in love with this moment. I am truly at peace in this moment. I am grounded and centered. In this moment, I am me.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Learn to Laugh

This is what my aqua coffee cup says and tonight, it rang true. Someone put forth a challenge, in this amazing community of empaths I am proud to say I belong to, to say something that made us not only grin, but bust out in a huge smile. As I shared my stories and read theirs, I felt it what I had been longing for. The community. The common bond. I felt the strings of attachment chime that I'd been looking so hard for. As I toggled between helping and laughing, I can honestly say I'd never felt so at home with a group of strangers.

So tonight, I want to remind you all to laugh. Don't just giggle. Open your hearts, your minds, and your mouths and let that belly laugh go. Embrace it and enjoy it. Let go of the pain and the drama and worry about your shield or grounding. Matter of fact, forget everything and simply drink up the beauty, kinship, and joy of the moment. Laugh until you cry. Laugh until it hurts. Laugh like there really is no tomorrow. Laugh even if you're just laughing at yourself. Laugh for no reason at all.

Still have questions? Want to learn more? Connect with me directly Blog updates, inspirations, conversation, and news about Empath School and the courses available for download. Hope to see you there!

In light and love;

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sometimes Things Aren't As They Seem

Isn't that the truth? Things sometimes really aren't as they seem. We know a friend is sad and depressed and holding on to so much anger. Our inner truth is telling us it's happening and calling to us to help them. So I help and I get those intuitive feelings that guide my language. And then they say something that really blows me out of the proverbial water. Sometime deep and different than the reason I thought they were feeling so low in the first place. That's the hardest thing for me to deal with. I tend to blow in like a storm, spouting truths and calling out emotions, often demanding an answer for why they're doing this to themselves. I flip everything upside down, but always make sure to put it all back cleaner. Is this really a bad thing? I have to admit to myself that yes, sometimes it is a really bad thing. I don't like hurting people's feelings and bringing up painful truths. Is it always necessary for me to do that? Wouldn't it just be better to keep my mouth closed sometimes? Society would tell me yes. Prudence would tell me yes. Fear and doubt would tell me yes. But my inner truth yells NO!

Sometimes we just have to roll with it. Okay, so I'm wrong about why they were feeling so low. That's not the end of the world and I gave them an opportunity to come clean with themselves. Yes, the reasons I thought come in to play, but now the entire truth has come to light. That person is able to be honest with themselves and do what they need to do to move forward.

I once heard that God doesn't want us happy. God wants us strong. I don't believe that. Yes, God wants us strong. Strong in spirit. Strong in light and love. But happiness, true happiness, is the way to get there. True self acceptance. Living in the light and letting all our faults show, but being proud of them anyways. Always learning and moving forward. Always trying for better, loving more, having more patience. Those are the things that matter the most, even when life throws you a curve ball and things aren't as they seem.

In light and love:

Monday, July 8, 2013

Things to Expect

As an empath, we have certain... side effects that we have in common, some more so than others. These are things I've always thought were normal for all people. Imagine my surprise when I found out that not everyone did and that these things were common for all empaths. As a side note, I've seen us called psychic. That's true. Empaths are a type of psychic. Just to clarify.

So I've again researched other resources and spoke to a few empaths to get their point of view. See if these things are common for you. I'm going to start off with the lower vibration stuff and move to the higher vibration stuff towards the end of the list. Sound off in the comments.

Anxiety - Nervous, anxious; especially in crowds. Can have feelings of doom for no known reason.

Strong Senses - Particularly with noise and repetitious sounds.

Not Thick Skinned - We're often easily hurt (emotionally and physically), but also fully and strongly aware of the feelings of others, especially the underdog or those in pain. This is why we generally avoid conflict and seek to balance things and situations. This is always why movies, books, photos, etc, can bring us to tears so easily.

Weather Aware - We are deeply effected by the weather. Storms, sun, day, night all have a deep effect on us and we have deep feelings about them.

Beauty - Music, balance, beauty, and harmony are all very important to us not because of the senses they excite, but because we are so open hearted. We let the feelings behind it all seep into us. We know what the artist was feeling; that bliss when they created something so moving. This is why we're called "a blessing to be around". It's so easy for us to reach that high vibration through seeing the simple beauty in everyday things.

Attract others - The light inside of us, those higher vibrations, draw people to us like a moth to a flame. They all recognize that inner nurturing and caring spirit that just comes naturally to us. Adults, kids, animals are all drawn to us. This is another reason why strangers will open up to us about personal issues out of the blue. It's also the reason we are often the "go to" for friends and family for advice and comfort. Just by being us, we make people feel safe and accepted.

Water - Almost every single empath I know is what I call a "water baby". We LOVE water! We love a shower, but a bath big enough to swim in would be better. We'd probably live at the beach or a lake if we could. Water is our lifeblood, just like nature is. It pulls all of that negative energy away and provides us with a buffer against the feelings and energies of others. Isn't it great to just be surrounded by water life that just is? No judgment, no negativity, no scheming, no ill intentions. It all just is in the water.

Pretty interesting stuff isn't it? It's important that we understand how unique we are in the world so we can understand our own strengths and weaknesses. And maybe we can be a little more like the water life and just let it be.

In light and love;

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Types of Empathic Gifts

There are several "types" of empaths. I really don't like that word though. The word "type", for me, implies that one is somehow better than the other. No one empath is better than another. It's simply a matter of developed gifts and self realization. We were born with gifts. We choose to develop them by walking in the white light and practicing stillness. On the flip side of this, we also choose to block our gifts, or certain aspects of them, because they are too scary or painful or we let our ego guide us. I've done a lot of research and spoke to other empaths with differently developed gifts than me. It seems there are 10 different gifts that can be developed. See which ones you have already as well as where you can develop. Please note that I have put them here in no particular order. As always, feel free to comment :).

Emotional Healer- This one seems to be the more popular among empaths and seems to come naturally. It's the gift of not only feeling another person's emotions, but healing them just by listening. People will feel the healing just by being with you. This is someone most of us have experienced, like when a stranger will unload their whole life on you. They leave feeling better and you're probably in a state of amused shock.

Nature Healer - This is why we love nature and need it. Ever wondered why the best way to ground yourself is to stand barefoot on the earth, spending time in nature, or being in water (especially salt water)? Well now you know. We are drawn to the earth and the earth calls to us. We understand, feel, and communicate with all aspects of nature.

Claircognizance -  Ever just know? You know what needs to happen next (no matter the situation), you know who's about to call, you know who's thinking of you, you know what song is coming on the radio.

Psychometry - Do you love antique shopping? Do you love old things, like fossils? Lots of empaths do. We feel the life and emotional energy of objects. Sometimes we know things about the object by being around them, but it's strongest when we touch it. We receive the energy of an object in the form of information and impressions. I once walked through an antique store with my mom and I brushed my hand along a table. I felt the love of the pieces by an older couple. I knew they had passed away and their son had sold all of their things to the store because he couldn't keep them and didn't want them. I looked around and could identify every single piece. It was like I was walking into their home, seeing everything in it's place.

Medium - Ever know there's a spirit there? See things out of the corner of your eye? Feel the need to tell someone something about a passed loved one? Throughout my life, I've always known there were spirits and that there was life after death, but only recently, when I accepted and developed my gifts, did I ever feel the presence and energy of a spirit not from my own family. It was a strange, but beautiful experience and my friend was very happy to receive the message from her mom.

Physical Healer - This is something I am afraid of because there are times where inexperienced healers can absorb the ailment into their own bodies. I want to heal, but I need to develop this one before I use it on anyone except my children. This gift is truly magnificent though. The ability to not only feel the physical ailments and physical feelings of others, but be able to heal them. Please don't try this without studying with an experienced healer.

Animal Healer - In this gift, healers can not only feel an animal's emotions, but hear and communicate with them. Ever meet those people who understand the subtleties of animal body language? Things so many people can't even see? How about when you see a lost animal and just know that they either need help or they're just fine on their own?

Geomancy or Earth Healer - I've also heard this referred to as an Earth Empath. This is where we feel the energies of the Earth and places. This is where we get a feeling about a place, be it bad or good. Ever not want to walk into a room/house/meadow/woods and can't explain why? Ever get a headache or feel anxiety for no reason just to find out there was an earthquake or other (un)natural disaster somewhere on the planet?

Telepathy - The ability to read people's thoughts is different from reading their emotions. This is the actual ability to know what their thoughts are. I personally believe this is more common in empaths than we think it is, but it feels like an invasion of privacy, so we block it. Often we'll get an impression of the thoughts though and we can decide to use those or keep them to ourselves.

Precognition - This is where we know something important is going to happen. We can feel excitement, anxiety, or even a sense of doom. This ability drives me crazy! I've always known when something important is about to happen, but what?! What's going to happen? This is something I'm working to develop strongly so I can at least differentiate between something big happening to me or someone else.

Know that we are all capable of developing and strengthening every single one of these gifts. Walk in the white light and let them guide you.

Still have questions? Want to learn more? Connect with me directly Blog updates, inspirations, conversation, and news about Empath School and the courses available for download. Hope to see you there!

In light and love;

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Manifesting What You Want

Did you know everyone has the power to manifest what they want in their lives? It's true and it's easier than you think! The key is to focus on already having what you want and let the rest fall away. Revel in the joyful feelings of already having what you want. If you focus on the wanting part, you will always want. If you focus on it coming to you, it will always come to you, but never arrive. What some people don't know, is that everything already exists in the universe. When we feel the feelings of already having what we want, we raise our vibrations to the same frequency of what we want and we end up attracting it to us like a giant magnet. Let all those negative feelings of need, want, fear, disbelief, disapproval, unworthiness, etc., etc., just fall completely away. This is where shielding and meditation come in *hint, hint*. Ask, believe, and be open to receive.

Daily affirmations I use not only to help me manifest what I want in life, but also to help reduce my anxiety levels. They help me feel worthy of what I want and allow that disbelief to float away. I use them in the shower, during mediation, before I go to bed, when I wake up, when things go wrong, when I'm upset, when I'm happy, and so many other times during the day. Make sure to pause on every point and really feel it. Make it come alive inside of you.

I am happy. *Feel the pure joy and white light coursing through you. Feel so happy it can bring you to tears.*
I am healthy. *Feel the health, the youth, the vitality.*
I am wealthy. *Feel the wealth of having more than enough money. You have more than enough so you can give to others.*
I am wonderful. *You truly are, so feel this deeply. Feel wonderful and know it's you.*
I am wise. *Know it. You are wise. You have quiet strength in the mind and the body. People want to listen to your wisdom. You make the right choices.*
I am happy, healthy, wealthy, wonderful, and wise.

All is well. *Know that it is. It's all working out the way it should. The negative is only there to help you appreciate the positive that is coming. The negative paves the way, removing all fear and doubt so you can truly appreciate and accept the positive.*
All is perfect. *Because it truly is. The life lessons are perfect and designed perfectly to give your soul the perfect experiences it needs to grow and shine.*
All is as it should be. *It's all for a reason. It's all for a purpose, even if we don't agree with it. Trust and believe. Release all fear and doubt. Open yourself up and just let it all go. This will instantly lower your anxiety.*
All is well. All is perfect. All is as it should be.
Please enjoy and use these affirmations several times a day if you need them.
In light and love;