The Bridge Centers

The Bridge Centers
Empowering Empaths, Modern Meditation, Intuitive Sessions

Monday, October 28, 2013

It's All In Your Head

It's all in your head, my friends. You have created your reality before you incarnated into this life and with every single choice you've made in this life. Right now, you are attracting things, people, situations to you with your monitored and unmonitored thoughts. Did you know that? Do you fully understand that? We exist in a world of duality. Day and night, good and bad, happy and sad. Have you noticed all of the dualities in your life? One day you're feeling rich, the next you're feeling dirt poor. One day everything is going well, the next you're angry and frustrated by all the things happening to you. Guess what. Things do not happen "to you" like that! Yes, there are things in this world that happen (villain versus victim), but remember that there were agreements made on the other side of the veil that are meant to be used as a lesson to benefit us, regardless of how we feel about it right now.

Have you even monitored your thoughts for a day in a notebook? If you have, you know what I mean. When you're happy and things are going well, there's always that nagging fear that it'll come at a price or that it can't get better. Stop that! That fear, that worrying about what could happen makes it happen! If you spend a day monitoring your thoughts in a notebook, you will start to see what you're attracting to yourself. You have to ask yourself if what you're attracting is what you really want.

The most supreme power in the Universe is love and it's so much more than the love we know. It's the love we have glimpses of. Unconditional love in its truest sense. This is what spirit is made of. This is what we tap in to when we meditate and listen to our intuition; when we tune in to our inner radio. You have the ability to tap into it at any time by monitoring your thoughts and listening to your intuition. You can use this power to manifest whatever you want! We just have to use it and know that in using it, we are strengthening and spreading positive energy.

So, stop blaming it on other people and take some responsibility. Intend to live a great life. Intend to spread the joy and love of the source. Intend to have a beautiful life and you will.

In light and love;


Friday, October 25, 2013

Relax Into It

Daily I see empaths so tightly wound, they don't and can't understand how they are causing their own woe. You aren't obligated to feel depressed or adrift in a see of energy or have chronic medical problems. It's all a choice. That's right! Before you get upset with me, please hear me out.

While our spirit was still on the other side of the veil, we made contracts and agreements with other spirits as well as The Source (Universe/God/whatever you call it). You agreed to be an empath, you agreed to experience certain things (good or bad), you agreed. That's important to remember. What else is important to remember is that because of free will, we can choose at any time to change the contracts and agreements. We can easily choose not to go down a preset path. Puts an interesting spin on it, doesn't it?!

So why choose to be depressed just because someone else is? Why choose to feel bad or scared or adrift in a sea of energy when none of it belongs to you? Do you know why you feel it? It's so you can HEAL! Without knowing the depth of an other's pain, our inner knowing being of light cannot heal others optimally. How could it? Then we'd just be healing on a best guess. Why heal on a best guess when you can heal on absolute truth?

So to all you beautiful, wonderful beings of light I say to you, relax! Relax into it! It's all going to be okay. It always is and it always will be. Don't get caught up in the details and rules. Those are man made in an effort to control people and keep them in the status quo box (hello ego!); they are not divine. There is no right and wrong when it comes to being an empath in the light. There is only energy and vibration. Choose a path that raises your vibration and brings about the most good; you already know that's what is best for the planet and that's what we're here for. We're here to raise the planet's vibration through healing.

So, the big secret is out! Now you know what it's all about! Let's get back to what I was saying in the beginning. If you don't want to feel depressed or in pain, make a choice not to and then follow that path with intent and action! Walking the path of light and transmuting that lower vibrational energy will make all of the difference.

Still have questions? Want to learn more? Connect with me directly Blog updates, inspirations, conversation, and news about Empath School and the courses available for download. Hope to see you there!

In love and light;

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Well hello out there in blogger/empath/human land! I have been working my tail off lately!! Empath school is coming along very well. The Beginner level course is nearly complete. The Moderate level is 80% there, and I don't want to talk about the Advanced level course because I might have been a little lazy with it and it needs some attention.

Well.... this government shut down isn't helping things as I want to copyright my work before I put it out there. I don't really know why, but there's some insistence on this so I must listen. Also, I don't know anything at all about web hosting or web pages... so that's another hurdle. Perhaps I should put out an ad in the "Universe Classifieds" for the perfect person to help me (really I mean do it for me). It's always interesting to know what you want and trust the Universe to fill in the blanks for you. Leap of faith!

So, the other day I was dropping my little ones off to school and it occurred to me that I hadn't been practicing my empath skills. The next few thoughts were interesting too (you're a fake, you made it up, it was never real, it was a phase, and so on and so forth). All crap, I'm aware. Anyhow, I smiled to myself because I realized that I have become so used to holding up a shield, meditating, grounding, and "practicing" being a self-actualized empath that I hadn't even noticed I was doing it any more. How wild and awesome is that?! I'm excited for myself. I knew I would eventually get to this point, but I kind of thought I'd realize it when it happened. Silly me! Of course it would be so second nature that I didn't even notice it. Why am I breaking my arm to pat myself on the back here? Because I want all of you to know that it's possible. All of you out there struggling, just coming into this, or have been at this for what seems like forever; there's a light!!! It's there and it's real and it's amazing. I know you can do this too!

I am going back to working on Empath School. If you'd like to see some courses pop up on different empath related topics, go ahead and let me know about them. I will have courses on meditation, shielding, grounding, and a special course on how to support the empath you love (for those who aren't empathic).

In light and love;