The Bridge Centers

The Bridge Centers
Empowering Empaths, Modern Meditation, Intuitive Sessions

Thursday, August 8, 2013

New Empaths

Hello! This post is dedicated to those who are brand new to being an empath. Firstly, I'd like to welcome you to this beautiful, wonderful gift (scoffing isn't nice!). I know so many of you have been struggling with emotions and energies that aren't yours. You're fearful, hate crowds, are seriously considering the hermit life, and probably think you're crazy. You are not alone. We've all been there. I've been there. I got to a point I didn't even want to live. I was scared all the time. My anxiety was through the roof. The smallest things made me afraid, like checking the mail. My mind was full of doubt and fear. Every thought was rooted in what I now know to be ego. In an act of pure desperation, I called a psychic friend and told her I felt like I had a demon. I told her I could feel the claws digging into my back. I told her everything, even my thoughts of ending my own life that were growing in intensity. I thank God every single day that I have her in my life, because without her guidance, I wouldn't be the strong, social butterfly, open hearted empath I am today.

The first thing she told me was that I needed to shield, use gemstones and crystals, meditate regularly (including balancing my chakras), ground myself regularly, tell my ego to sit down and "shut the f*ck up", and practice one daily affirmation. This became my life. I devoted my time to finding a shield that worked for me. I quietly listened to and trusted the thoughts that popped into my head (that often aren't in my own voice and don't speak the way I do). I worked on that shield 2-4 times a day. I held it up when I felt exhausted. I meditated every day, sometimes for 30 minutes at a time (no small feat for a beginner). I also learned. I researched and used my intuition to guide me. Sometimes I read things that I just scoffed at, but sometimes I read, and still do, things that seemed to flip a light switch. Follow that. It means it's right for you. Often, I bounce ideas off of my friend and she will tell me if it's right or if I'm making it too complicated.

Isn't that just the way it is though? It all seems so complicated! But it's really not. It's simple. The only thing you really have to overcome is your ego. You are the only thing holding you back from realizing that it's all about mental will and energy. It's not complicated. It's very simple. It's all love and light. Love and light. Love yourself as the Universe/God loves you and live in the light.

Every single day I hear my spirit guides and a angels and God. I feel the love surrounding me. I see the love in the world, even the love that buried underneath the ego's influence. I love meeting people. I still get a little anxious in crowds, but the amount of time I can spend in a crowd is growing daily. I meditate when I feel I need it. I trust my intuition and my intuition and other/new gifts are growing, becoming more accurate, and changing all the time. I use my affirmations when it becomes hard or even when I'm really feeling happy to show gratitude. I make sure to spend some time in nature, walking through my grass barefoot, touching my house plants. And when my ego pops up, I don't need to scold it, I bring it closer to God which is where it really wants to be anyhow. If something bad or negative happens, I roll with it. I look for the meaning, the lesson behind it. I allow myself to be open to the possibility that I'm not some freak who's powerless against the emotions of others. I'm a conduit. I'm a healer. I am the light in the dark that will heal your soul just by being near. You were born for this. You were born to be that bright burning star that burns up the negative energies and leaves only positive behind. You can do this. Before you know it, it's all second nature.

Still have questions? Want to learn more? Connect with me directly Blog updates, inspirations, conversation, and news about Empath School and the courses available for download. Hope to see you there!

In love and light;


  1. Andrea, you ARE a star :). Love today's blog.
    I keep saying 'it's hard to be human', there are so many things you have to 'practice' and learn. But being a proponent of the 'Lazy Man's Principle" (finding the easiest way to do something) I keep reminding myself that it doesn't have to be hard work, it doesn't have to complicated. So I'm so happy to find you think this way too YAY hahaha.
    You 'should' re-post this one in group ;)

  2. Thank you Jenny!! Your words mean the world to me!
