The Bridge Centers

The Bridge Centers
Empowering Empaths, Modern Meditation, Intuitive Sessions

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What it Means to be Empath

What does it mean to be empath? Have you ever asked yourself that? Maybe Googled it? Over the last few months, this topic has popped into my space enough times to give me pause and wonder. What does it mean? And I don't mean the very narrow definition of an empath being one who feels the emotions of others, but an empath meaning one who experiences energy as a tangible thing. Yes, the uniting definition; the broad definition.

Well, I know it means that empaths vibrate at a higher frequency and, because of that, tend to see things big picture. It can be exhilarating, ostracising, beautiful, frustrating, obnoxious, crazy-making, and amazing all at the same time. Empaths feel separated from other humans. They see the big picture and they can't always understand why others cannot when it is so blatantly obvious. I have a feeling that this is why empaths get so overwhelmed in crowds. Most empaths can look at one person behaving poorly and selfishly, but still appreciate their place in the grand scheme with little to no judgment. We may not agree and we may be able to think of 6 "better" ways, but we get it and we can roll with it because we're better than low judgment, #amiright? At least that's what we strive for lol. But put 100 of those people in an area where the empath feels outnumbered and WHAM!! We got an energy emergency folks. Chill. You got this. Do you know why you got this? Because it's a choice! You choose to feel how you're feeling.

Don't get me wrong. Feelings are real and they can come at us without warning, but we still control them! We can choose to feel it, honor it, and let it flow or we can choose to pack up and live there. Your choice. Sometimes we are better than others. Sometimes we vibrate higher and we rise above, living in all that lovely light...but sometimes we want to rebel and scream and kick right out of our bodies, taking our bat and ball and going home! ;) I get you. I feel you. I understand you because sometimes I'm there too. But I strive to do more and better. This is why I never cut people off in traffic and I'm patient in line. It does no good to behave selfishly... which, incidentally, is a very nice segway into something I feel compelled to bring up. Empaths are not selfish!!

I'm hearing of a very disturbing trend in the empath community. Rudeness, selfishness, and arrogance all in the name of "personal boundaries". This is not the empath way. An empath is never rude. They are never selfish. They are never arrogant. Why? Because they will replay those scenarios in which they were over and over and over again for hours, days, weeks, YEARS. Empaths don't play dirty. They can't, even though sometimes they really want to. The ends simply do not justify the means for an empath. They can, however, be a mirror for others in the name of growth and development, but only when they're 100% sure it will cause no harm. They can have healthy personal boundaries in which it's safe for them to say "no". Empaths understand that we don't owe people an explanation, but we do owe humanity and we are here to serve them by vibrating higher and leading by example.

Now it would be silly of me to think that this isn't going to upset some of you. I'm truly sorry if it does. I have felt strongly about writing this for months and when spirit continually points to something, you know you must pay attention. If this post upsets you and you start to go down the dark rabbit hole of "well maybe I'm not an empath then", reach out to me right away. Andrea@TheBridgeCenters.Com


  1. Very well stated, Andrea. I can't remember how many times I had to be rude or selfish to learn not to be then any more. I really liked the 'They will repeat scenarios over and over ad infinitum'. I'm still remembering things I did wrong years ago. I've forgiven myself for those things. Perhaps they remain as a warning. Thank you for making me think!

    1. I do the same thing. I'm forgiving myself and reminding myself that it's all about learning and doing better next time. Thank you for your comment <3. Means the world to me!

  2. Dearest friend, this is one of the most real and honest pieces I've read on being an know I've read a lot😬! It goes deeper than "you know you're an empath when". It's empowering to read what makes up folks like us and who we are not!!! Keep writing and speaking OUR truth!!!
    Love ya!

    1. I'm... I'm touched and honored and humbled and overwhelmed. Thank you, my dear, beautiful friend. Thank you so very much ❤️
