The Bridge Centers

The Bridge Centers
Empowering Empaths, Modern Meditation, Intuitive Sessions

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Lessons Learned

Today I found myself sucked into an argument I really didn't want to be in. Now I know that I can't change the world and that I can't possibly reach every single person on this planet and bring them to the light... but somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind, I had really hoped to do just that. So after a long and tiresome conversation with another human being, I am writing this post slightly deflated and only a little heartbroken. But, I'm choosing to see this as an important lesson learned instead of licking my wounds.

Those who love empaths should probably read this post and pay attention to it as you'll gain some valuable insight into the way your beloved empath's mind works. You'll learn some lessons too.

Every single day I am drawn to heal and guide people towards their light path. Every. Single. Day. My brain doesn't stop running. I don't stop thinking about things I could do better. I don't stop reminding myself to hold up my shield. I don't stop reminding myself to shine. I don't stop paying attention to everything around me. I ignore my own needs to take care of others first and not because I want to, because there's no other choice for me. If I were to ignore others and take care of my own needs and wants, I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself because I'd be thinking about the people I ignored.

I don't stop feeling the pull either. I'm pulled towards certain people for reasons I don't always understand and sometimes, don't even like! I have intuitions a lot and sometimes it's things I really don't want to know, but I'm powerless to stop them. I understand things and people on a deeper level. I'm constantly frustrated that I can't accurately describe things because we, frankly, don't have the words to represent the meanings. I'm constantly frustrated that other people just don't get it and don't want to get it and don't care enough to get it. Why don't they feel the call to action? Why? And how am I supposed to answer that call? I don't understand how people are okay living in the dull negative with living in the light is SO much better! I don't understand why it's so hard for them to believe and understand. It's not like I'm asking them to jump off a building.... just give me a chance.

This is what empaths go through every single day. We worry for no reason. We feel sick, sad, angry, happy, annoyed, frustrated and more often than not, those feelings aren't even ours. We know how you're feeling, even before you do. We know when you don't believe us. We know when you're lying and we know when you're not being true. So please, if you love an empath as you say you do, give them some space to breathe and some understanding. Meet them half way. The best thing my husband has ever done for me, and completely surprised me, was to research into empaths and the white light and meet me half way. He has faith in me and he now understands how I get swamped and why I react to things a certain way. He knows how I'm feeling now which has made all the difference and brought us so much closer. I truly wish that for all empaths.

In light and love;

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