The Bridge Centers

The Bridge Centers
Empowering Empaths, Modern Meditation, Intuitive Sessions

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Raising Your Vibrations

Sounds silly right? Raising vibrations? Okay whack-a-doodle. This was the hardest thing for me to grasp and understand as I struggled with being an empath, developing my gifts, and learning to walk in the white light. That's not to say I'm this perfect, enlightened empath now. No. Definitely not. I have my days where I struggle against myself and even some days where I can't find the white light at all. There are days I'm so down, I can't even pull up a feeble shield. But, in saying that, I find those days are less and less in number and intensity. I attribute this not only to my daily affirmations, developing my gifts, and using crystals and gemstones, but in understanding how my vibrations can help keep me in the white light and manifesting what I want in life. If you're familiar with The Secret teachings, you will have an easier time understanding this.

In a nutshell, the basic teaching of vibrations is that everything already exists and for you to get what you want, you need to be on the same frequency (or vibration) as that thing you want. At that point, we are able to manifest into our lives what we want. Positive things vibrate on a high frequency where as negative things vibrate on a lower energy. We've all felt it. When we're sad or angry and experiencing those negative energies, we want to withdraw. We want to curl into a ball. The negativity literally brings you down and steals your power. Now think about how you feel when you're happy and laughing; experiencing those positive emotions and energies. You want to expand, don't you? You want to hug others and spread the happiness. You are more effective and feel strong and powerful. It's all energy and energy vibrates.

Think about your crystals and gemstones for a moment. The reason they are so important to empaths is that they vibrate on their own frequency and help pull us onto their higher frequency. Only when we match that frequency can we use them and experience them as they're supposed to be experienced. Some may have actually felt the stones and crystals vibrate and know what I'm talking about. It's okay if you haven't felt it. You will once you open up more and you're on your light path. When I first received my stones, I felt the energy off them right away. This didn't happen with my second delivery. I wondered why for several days before I understood that I was worrying again. I was worried about money, debt, bills, people, GMOs, the world, etc. You name it, I was probably worrying about it. And why? What did the worry do? It didn't help! It just brought me down. I thanked the worry for letting me know and let it go. Now, I feel the energy of all my stones and crystals again.

There are so many things you can do to raise your vibrations and you will find every single one is very good for your body and soul. Some of you will understand right away that all of these things are designed to increase your inner peace and happiness while turning your focus inward. That is the secret of raising vibrations and happiness; it's all within you already. These are just a few things you can do to raise your vibrations. Feel free to talk about your favorite ways in the comments!
  • Listen to soothing music, write, draw, color, etc
  • Random acts of kindness for no reward at all
  • Be thankful
  • Spend time in nature
  • Spend time in water, especially salt water
  • Get creative
  • Finish a project
  • Laugh and smile
  • Meditate with healing gemstones and crystals
  • Align your chakras
On a side note, empaths are so sensitive to negative energies and lower vibrations, we have a tendency to want to numb ourselves to it all with drugs, alcohol, food, and other vices. I'm telling you right now, that is just dumb! You're not numbing yourself at all. You're intensifying those negative energies and lower vibrations by not dealing with them and letting them go. The tests will continuously come back again and again and again until you learn the lessons. Get yourself out of that spiral and raise your vibrations. Let go of all that doesn't serve you. You're not only meant to be happy, but strong as well.

In light and love;

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