The Bridge Centers

The Bridge Centers
Empowering Empaths, Modern Meditation, Intuitive Sessions

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

So Where Do We Go After Super Moon?

Are you feeling that huge mental, exhale after Super Moon? If you are like me, you were a total mess leading up to Super Moon and afterwards may not have that release of energies like you wanted to. Do I feel that mental exhale? Yup... but it's like a very slow exhale. Not the large gush I was hoping for. I've done a bit of research, mainly from my cards, talking to other empaths, and listening to Doreen Virtue. Here's my best advice to those of you still feeling that subtle headache after Super Moon has passed... ugh, there isn't enough ibuprophen in the world right now to help my headaches. Thank you angels and spirit guides for the information... but WOW this human shell is having a hard time incorporating it. But I digress... again. Sorry.

The energy levels are still extremely high due to the Solstice, Super Moon, Mercury Retrograde, Solar Flares and winds, and that Change Energy we've all been feeling to one extreme or another. So let's tackle... err explain, these.

The Solstice and Super Moon have left some of us with what Doreen calls an "energy hangover" and really, isn't that the best way to put it?! I love it! I have the headache, the stomach ache, sensitivity to light and sound. Yeah... hang over indeed! Why? Because tons of negative energy was released from us and the world. It's like detox right now, but as with any drug abuse problem, we are SO much better off without it.

The Mercury Retrograde will effect travel and electronics - basically, expect those to be screwed up. It also effects projects. Time to finish up your old projects, not start new. This awesomeness will last through July 20th. Luckily for me, I already started the "Spirituality/Empath School" project I'm working on. That's right, you heard me! Putting together an actual series of online classes and tools for empaths and those who are of a spiritual nature. I will even have a section for those who love and want to understand empaths and those of a spiritual nature. ANYHOW!

Solar flares and winds will be felt by those who are of a very sensitive nature. They will actually experience physical pain such as migraines and headaches. You may find yourself feeling tired and your electronics may not work properly. Battery draining anyone?

Change energy! Oh how I love change energy. It makes me feel like a kid on the verge of a sugar rush. Just remember though, all that scandal and deceit doesn't like being exposed. They would rather keep us in the dark and quietly conduct their business. Look out for the dramatic temper tantrums that are sure to follow. Do not get caught up in the drama. Rise above and continue to do your part by notifying your government of how you feel, signing petitions, but stay out of the drama swirling in your everyday life. Everyone is feeling this and there will be more drama queens than normal.

So now what, right? You know I wouldn't just drop this in your lap and then leave! Silly. Rest up, lay low, simplify your schedule, and hang out in the comforts of your own home as often as you can. Relax and enjoy your peaceful solitude. Meditate for yourself, pray for the world, spend time in nature, drink plenty of water, consume light meals of non-processed, organic foods, and listen to your body. Denying yourself the rest or nap or walk you want will just make your body more susceptible to the energies around you. Feel free to leave me a message and I'll be happy to help you get through it.

In light and love;


  1. Hi,
    I'm 32 years old and I'm now convinced that I'm an empath. Thank you so much for your blog. This is the first site I've visited and I'm glad it was this one. You took the words right out of my mouth. About a week ago, I started to notice changes in my body and behavior. Then, on the 22nd i became really worried about my grandmother even though I hadn't seen her in 4 yrs and i wasn't in the family "loop". Then on the 23rd she passed and i felt this major relief and my physical pain and sensitivity has been decreasing ever since. This was scary for me but reading your blog has made me feel better about the situation. Thank you so much for the info.


    1. Hi Lindsay! Thank you so much for your comments and I am truly sorry you have lost a loved one. I, unfortunately, know that pain and that relief. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and have a blessed day!
