The Bridge Centers

The Bridge Centers
Empowering Empaths, Modern Meditation, Intuitive Sessions

Sunday, May 5, 2013

"Normal" is overrated!

I saw this picture floating around Facebook today and it got me thinking. I have always been close to God. Not going to lie, I've had my moments where I've not only doubted, but also felt forgotten. Since learning I am an empath, I have never felt closer to not only God, but all the people, plants, and animals of not only this Earth, but all of the realms. I have never vibrated higher or taken better care of my spirit. I've never really opened my eyes. Now I am awakened and there is absolutely no going back ever. How could I? I'm having WAY too much fun with this! It's exhilarating!

So many "things" don't seem important anymore. Not the shopping, not the money, not the "things" I felt I needed to keep status quo. What matters now is light and love!

The road to get here hasn't been easy. I've doubted myself, had others doubt me, and been down right depressed. But after hours of research and reading and trial and error, I think I've found a happy medium (no pun intended... okay a little pun intended HA!).

My wish is that all of you who are just coming into this gift, struggling with it, or have known for years hit this point of acceptance, love, light, and peace. Keep meditating. Keep asking for divine help from the Creator. Keep transforming the negative energy into positive. Keep that shield up and your heart open.

In light and love;

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